The Cosmic Filament Structure As Seeded By Inflated Primordial Gravitational Wave Interference

by Steven Gussman THE HYPOTHESIS Typically, the largest known structure of the universe, the cosmic filaments, are “explained” by the following argument: it is said that quantum fluctuations in the early universe were inflated during the inflationary epoch, seeding the locations where matter would clump in the universe. 1 I am proposing an alternative hypothesis that attempts a more precise and testable mechanism. The philosophy of physics is simple: the early universe was a sea of interference between primordial gravitational waves. 2 Being curvatures in space time, these waves were inflated during the inflationary epoch to cosmically large sizes. At these scales, the light-speed propagation of these waves is relatively slow (it's as if the pseudo-random state of the interference pattern at the time of inflation was preserved as it was inflated). This allowed time in the post-inflationary epoch for matte...