Preface To The Zeroth Edition | The Philosophy Of Science [0th Edition]

        It is often said that, “art is never finished, only abandoned.”I  In that spirit, I am attempting to be less precious in life so that I can actually produce output, rather than merely collect reams of data on hard drives.  I originally wanted to write, edit, and self-publish this book all in one lump sum like today's normal trade book, but this no longer seems to be in the best interest of the actual release of this work.  For one, I do not necessarily want to have to wait until the work is entirely tied up with a bow to start pitching the material as a college course.  There are some issues with this choice—namely that for the past year (and until some time in the middle of this coming summer), a good chunk of my library has been divided between two faraway houses, making the task of producing specific references location-dependent.  I have decided on the following compromise: I will begin by serially publishing a “zeroth edition” of the book's chapters, with citations as well-filled-out as I can manage with what I have (left in red ink to be updated in the future).  My writing this book has delayed my reading of others which are similar, so I can “clear the buffer” of my mind, and I should not do so any longer than is necessary.   I will upload a copy of each major revision to a given chapter to a public folder on Google Drive to more firmly establish the publication date-time of a given passage.II


Audubon NJ, U.S.A.

Steven Gussman


0. The Philosophy Of Science table of contents can be found, here (

I. This is a quote by poet Paul Valéry as paraphrased by poet Marianne Moore, see "A Work Of Art Is Never Finished, Merely Abandoned" (Quote Investigator) (2019 / 2021) ( which further cites "Marianne Moore: Poet’s Poet and Baseball Fan" by D.E.H. (Austin American-Statesman) (1968) ("Quote Page T25, Column 2 and 3").

II. The Google Drive backups can be found at the following publicly available folder (


  1. Change Log:
    Version 0.01 and 0.02 4/23/22 7:45 PM
    - Fixed such that the superscripts link to the correct anchor's on this page (not the table of contents)

    1. Version 0.03 4/23/22 7:56 PM
      - Added footnote 1

    2. Version 0.04 4/25/22 10:24 PM
      - Removed the leading "0" superscript (leaving the zeroth footnote to the table of contents un-referenced in the body text)
      - Changed the footnote from Indo-Arabic to Roman numerals to fit in line with the Introduction (and the forthcoming works)

    3. Version 0.05 4/28/22 12:03 PAM
      - Changed the body text from single-spacing (between each sentence) to my preferred double-spacing

    4. Version 0.06 1/7/23 3:32 AM
      - Fixed some spacing, added a footnote to cite credit for the quotation

  2. With that, the zeroth edition is fully published!

    1. The above was meant to be a comment on the "About The Author" page

    2. But may have been pre-mature due to the back-of-the-book-blurb which should be part of the cover


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