A Failed Hail-Mary: A Note On Cosmic Filament Genesis
by Steven Gussman In " The Cosmic Filament Structure As Seeded By Inflated Primordial Gravitational Wave Interference", I put forward the hypothesis that an interference pattern in microscopic gravitational waves in the early universe were inflated (including, crucially, in their amplitude) to seed the large-scale filament structure of the universe. 1 Soon after publication, I realized a fatal theoretical flaw in this hypothesis: the reason that it is typically thought that an expanding space-time flattens out is because the amplitude has an associated energy: my hypothesis would seem to break the first law of thermodynamics, that no matter-energy may be created nor destroyed. After publishing my paper, I read The Cosmic Web: Mysterious Architecture Of The Universe by J. Richard Gott, and published a small review of the work on my Instagram account: 2 View this post on Instagram A post...